During the two-year long Grundtvig Partnership „Enough for Everyone Forever“ four European organizations (based in Spain, France, Germany and Poland) work together to improve educational methods for sustainable education.

All four partners use creative methods to work with adults on political and ecological topics, but each one is expert on a specific approach such as visual arts, theatre or music.

Each organization hosts one meeting, inviting the partners to get to know its context of educational work. During those meetings, we share our skills and experiences both in theoretical and practical ways. Combining our creative approaches, we develop an interdisciplinary action that is carried out in the public space and sensibilizing the audience about sustainability.

What we have learned during the process is then transformed by each partner into an innovative pedagogical concept adapted to the organizations context and target group. After putting the concept into practice individually, we meet for the last time in order to reflect on the potential of the new tools that we have developed and to plan our future transnational projects, where we are going to bring together adults from different cultural backgrounds and use our newly acquired educational skills to work together on a sustainable future.

mardi 9 décembre 2014


The idea of the project came from the inspiration of the rural tradition of hanging evenings at work, especially in autumn and winter. Once during such meetings, a very popular activity was plucking feathers, shelling peas or sharpening tools.

Then there was also a real need repaired the old stuff and manual application objects. Now, often the same needs, we can cater for purchasing or arranging for the execution of what we needed. But do these evenings were only meetings aimed for the execution of the subject? Is the social factor was not as important or even the most important?

My goal in the project was to create a community, a group of people who meet at manual labor. In an era of increasingly sophisticated workshops and acquiring more and more skills I wanted to offer participants evening in simple techniques such as sewing moccasins, doing crochet or mending holes. These skills are increasingly forgotten and ignored. From year to year it can be seen that the items are so cheap that it is not worth repairing old or do it yourself. But this way of thinking leads us straight this madness of consumerism and disability manual. Exercise as simple as sewing on buttons, actions or making bread should be promoted because it gives us a real chance of moving closer to independence.

An additional goal was to make items that were ultimately to be equipped White Way - collective
During the meetings we made carpets and seats with old clothes, loafers and leather jackets coats and felt, flower pots with advertising banners, and gold carnival mask.